

We have Installed 60 KLPD Multi-Pressure Vacuum Distillation having the facility to Produce Rectified Spirit / Extra Neutral Alcohol / Ethanol (60 KLPD) along with Spent wash Concentrated Flubex Evaporator and which is supplied by M/s. Praj Industry.

Incineration Boiler having the Capacity of 21 TPH @ 45 Kg/Cm2 at 410 °C and 3MW Cogeneration facility to burn Spent wash Concentrated Slop to meet in home power consumption which is supplied by M/s. KCP Five Cails Limited, Installed Air Pollution Control Measure of Bag Filters with dense phase conveying system.

We have zero liquid discharge (ZLD) system in our Distillery ETP. We operate ETP and RO plant continuously and effectively to achieve Zero discharge of trade effluent. And also achieve the TNPCB norms.